Inviting all UMB Study Abroad Alumni to share their experiences!

Our mission is to provide UMass Boston students with worldwide study abroad opportunities and to make it possible for our students to learn, explore, and experience studying abroad.

We are asking for all of our UMass Boston study abroad alumni to contribute to this blog to reflect on their experiences, share their stories, and provide insight to future study abroad students. For many, studying abroad is a life-changing experience. It changes the way we think, interact, and perceive the world.

If you are a student interested in studying abroad, please use this site to learn from those who have taken the leap and returned to share their tale!

Instructions when submitting: 

Please include at the top of your submission:

  • Your name
  • Country and city
  • The term and year
  • The program name you attended
  • 1-3 pictures of your time abroad

What you submit about your experience is up to you! Some ideas on what to include are:

  • How study abroad affected you academically and personally?
  • How was your classes? What was your favorite class?
  • Where you traveled/ what your favorite part of the city was/ what the culture was like
  • Would you recommend the program to other students? Why or why not?
  • Advice you have for other students studying in the country in which you lived.
  • Get creative!

To submit a post, please email us at: 

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